Monday, December 29, 2008
December 29, 2008 16:23 PM
KUALA PILAH, Dec 29 (Bernama) -- Tunku Mukhriz Ibni Almarhum Tuanku Munawir is the new ruler (Yang DiPertuan Besar) of Negeri Sembilan.
Tunku Muhriz
Tunku Muhriz (1945-) is the only son of Tuanku Munawir ibni Almarhum Tuanku Abdul Rahman, the Yang di-Pertuan Besar (hereditary ruler) of the Malaysian state of Negeri Sembilan from 1960 to 1967, and of his consort, Tunku Ampuan Durah binti Almarhum Tunku Besar Burhanuddin.
Created Tunku Besar, or heir presumptive, in 1960, Tunku Muhriz was by-passed by the Council of Undang upon his father's death. Instead, the council chose his half-uncle Tuanku Jaafar ibni Almarhum Tuanku Abdul Rahman, a diplomat. It has been suggested that the then-Prime Minister of Malaysia, Tunku Abdul Rahman, instructed the council not to choose Tunku Muhriz on account of his youth (he was then eighteen).
Currently still Tunku Besar, Tunku Muhriz is more involved in the business world. It is expected that Tuanku Jaafar has arranged for the succession of his own son Tunku Naquiyuddin, currently Tunku Laxamana, having effectively sidelined his popular nephew.
Friday, December 26, 2008
Ooi Kee Beng
THERE are leaders who are followed for their agenda or vision, and who succeed in creating an institution that outlasts them.

These are the inheritors.
And thirdly, there are leaders who manage to alter — even radically — the agenda and vision of the institution that they lead.
These are the innovators.
In the case of Malaysia’s United Malays National Organisation (Umno), one may say that the first president of the party, Mr Onn Ja’afar, falls in the first category.

He founded the party in May 1946. However, in August 1951, when he tried to open the party to non-Malays — his reasons for wanting this are still hotly-contested — party members wouldnot go along with it, and he had to resign.
His attempt at reforming the institution he founded five years earlier — in other words, at being the third type of leader — failed.
We see him moving on to becoming an initiator again. He immediately founded the multiracial Independence of Malaya Party (IMP). But after losing elections to the Umno-led Alliance coalition, he dissolved the party in 1953 and created a third party, Parti Negara. This third party fell apart following his death in 1962.
The second Umno president, Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra, was a much more flexible character

However, the riots of May 13, 1969 caught him by surprise. Having lost credibility as a result, he played a minor role until his retirement in September 1970, and the leadership of the country was inherited by his deputy,Mr Abdul Razak Hussein.
We now know that by the end of 1969, the Premier-in-waiting had already learned that he was terminally ill. This knowledge could not but have influenced many of his policies in the early ’70s.

His time in power, a time of considerable innovation, is best understood if divided into two parts. From May 1969 until August 1973, he received invaluable help and support from his deputy, Home Affairs Minister Ismail Abdul Rahman. Indeed, that regime is often referred to as the Razak-Ismail administration.
Mr Ismail would jump in as Acting Prime Minister whenever Mr Razak was out of

The trusted Mr Ismail, who was suffering from ill health as well, was the only person in the government who knew of Mr Razak’s illness. Together, the two men forged many policies between 1969 and 1973 in great haste. They feared they would not get to finish what they had set out to do, which was to return Malaysia to parliamentary rule as soon as possible, and to remedy socio-economic conditions so that racial riots would not occur again.
However, it was Mr Ismail, the supposed successor, and not Mr Razak, who died first, falling victim to a heart attack on Aug 2, 1973. Mr Razak stayed alive for another two-and-a-half years, with his brother-in-law, Hussein, the son of Mr Onn Ja’afar, as his deputy.
The difference in quality of the innovations carried out by the robust and visionary Razak-Ismail administration on the one hand, and its inheritor, the Razak-Hussein administration on the other, is still in need of proper study.

Mr Hussein Onn was a well-trained lawyer but whose position within Umno was not very well-grounded. On taking over from Mr Razak in January 1976, he tried to govern as systematically as possible, keeping to due process as much as he could. He was in many ways more an inheritor than an innovator.
Next, we have Mr Mahathir Mohamed. After becoming Prime Minister in 1981, this inheritor

He was without question an innovator par excellence. This was shown to good effect when Umno was declared illegal in 1988 following internal struggles. Former Premiers Tunku Abdul Rahman and Hussein Onn came forth and initiated a new party, Umno Malaysia. In response, Mr Mahathir initiated the Umno Baru. His party won in the competition between the two, no doubt aided by the fact that he was the incumbent Prime Minister.
After 22 years of more innovation than the country could take, Mr Mahathir resigned in October 2003. Mr Abdullah Badawi was chosen ahead of Najib, son of former Premier Razak, to inherit the party presidency.

No doubt, Malaysia’s newly-empowered voters will give us the answer sooner or later.
The writer is a fellow at the Institute ofSoutheast Asian Studies. His latest bookis March 8: Eclipsing May 13 (with JohanSaravanamuttu and Lee Hock Guan, Iseas).
Thursday, December 18, 2008

The Original Ponzi Scheme
Charles Ponzi's Name Means Investment Fraud Today
© Jill Browne
How the Ponzi Scheme got its name - a short version of Charles Ponzi's story.
Charles Ponzi Was A Real Person
In the field of investment or securities fraud, the phrase "Ponzi scheme" is often heard.
According to the United States Securities and Exchange Commission, Charles Ponzi raised over a million dollars in three hours in 1921. People thought he was selling them an investment that would give a 50 percent return in 90 days. It sounds too good to be true today, and it was too good to be true then.
By the time the court caught up with him, Ponzi admitted to taking $10 million from investors, many of whom were neither wealthy nor sophisticated. The actual amount could have been $15 million or more. He returned $8 million before his trial.
The Promotion Behind the Original Ponzi Scheme
Ponzi was a convicted criminal before he concocted his most famous scheme. Many would say he had no intention of ever making an effort to actually run the supposedly honest business that he was promoting. Writer Mark C. Knutson, in "The Ponzi Scheme" (1996), has taken a close look at the scheme and concluded it would be impossible to run it at any scale, and certainly not at the scale Ponzi proposed.
What Charles Ponzi told investors was this. He could buy International Postal Reply Coupons cheaply abroad and then turn them into American postage stamps. Then he would sell the postage stamps and get lots more money than what they had cost him to buy. This was because of an apparent arbitrage opportunity arising from foreign exchange rates. An American dollar could buy more coupons in Bulgaria (for example) than in the U.S., because the value of the coupon was set in local currency, regardless of the prevailing exchange rate. However, no matter where the coupons were purchased, they could be exchanged in the U.S. for the same thing, a U.S. postage stamp.
What Mark C. Knutson points out is that Ponzi would have needed armies of wheelbarrow-pushers just to carry the tens of millions of coupons he pretended to have bought. Turning the coupons into cash would also have been problematic, but not for Ponzi. He may have begun with the intention of working the arbitrage as described, but those intentions seem to have quickly evaporated. No matter what Ponzi told investors, he did not use their money to buy coupons.
What is a Ponzi Scheme?
Charles Ponzi's modus operandi was not new, but now bears his name as some kind of tribute to the vast scale with which he performed it.
Very simply, a Ponzi scheme is one where the promoter "robs Peter to pay Paul". The actual venture, whether it's postal coupons, real estate, racehorses, or anything else, does not make enough money to pay back the investors and give them the big profits they are expecting. The promoter, desperate to keep the scheme going, uses the money from new investors to pay the old ones. The most successful schemes go on for a long time by keeping investors just happy enough not to complain, and to never ask for their money back. When the investment comes due, a Ponzi scheme promoter will try very hard to get the investor to reinvest their money.
Even if the promoter of a Ponzi scheme doesn't keep any money for himself (and that would be unheard of), the scheme will collapse as soon as the payments going out exceed the money coming in. Since the whole point of the Ponzi scheme is to make money for the promoter, typically a large portion is spent or hidden early on. Charles Ponzi lived a lavish life for a little while, enjoying the fruits of his criminal ingenuity.
People were more than eager to give him their money.
A Ponzi Scheme is Not an Investment
Arguably, a payment to someone running a Ponzi scheme is not an investment at all. It's a gift. The money will not be paid back, and the promoter will disappear like Santa Claus on Boxing Day.
Charles Ponzi's End
Ponzi himself was found out by the investigative journalism of the Boston Post, and the whole scheme quickly tumbled down. He was convicted of mail fraud, sentenced to jail for five years, and eventually deported from the United States. He died alone and apparently poor in Brazil in 1949. His name lives on infamously.
Monday, December 08, 2008
Tragedi ini membuktikan betapa manusia tidak pernah mahu belajar dari sejarah. Kejadian tanah runtuh yang berlaku sebelum ini di Malaysia dan di tempat lain di serata dunia menunjukkan samada manusia ini mudah lupa atau sengaja lupa kerana kerakusan kepada keuntungan dan wang ringgit.
Tragedi terbaru ini harus dipersalahkan kepada badan penguatkuasa iaitu Majlis Perbandaran Ampang Jaya. Tidak boleh ditolak bulat-bulat jika ada dakwaan yang menyatakan tragedi ini berlaku akibat tamak haloba atau rasuah di kalangan pegawai dan kakitangan MPAJ yang mudah meluluskan projek-projek yang diketahui boleh membawa malapetaka seperti memberi kelulusan membina rumah atau bangunan dilereng atau atas bukit.

Walau diketahui ia membahaya, rakyat diyakini oleh pemaju dan MPAJ bahawa ciri-ciri keselamatan dipatuhi maka projek perumahan itu diluluskan. Kalau benar MPAJ mematuhi 100 peratus peraturan dan undang-undang serta arahan Kerajaan Persekutuan mengenai bahaya dan larangan mendirikan binaan di lereng-lereng atau atas bukit, pastinya tidak akan ada projek binaan di kawasan seperti Bukit Antarabangsa.
Yang nyata disebaliknya ialah projek-projek tumbuh melata seperti cendawan di segenap pelusuk bukit hinggalah berlaku dengan mudahnya tragedi seperti ini apabila alam dirosakkan oleh manusia yang rakus akan wang ringgit dan mengutamakan habuan untuk diri sendiri. Dalam tragedi seperti ini, MPAJ bersalah! Pemaju bersalah! Pembeli pun bersalah. Eloklah masing-masing menerima padahnya daripada malapetaka ini atas atas perlakuan sendiri.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Dengan tiba-tiba Azizah lepaskan Permatang Pauh supaya suaminya Anwar Ibrahim dapat bertanding. Ini merupakan satu strategik licik Anwar. Anwar sudah tahu beliau akan ditangkap tidak lama lagi atas tuduhan liwat. Dengan menjadi calon untuk bertanding di Permatang Pauh dan apabila beliau tangkap, akan hebohlah satu dunia bahawa ia merupakan satu konspirasi untuk menyekat beliau daripada bertanding.
Amerika Syarikat, Perancis, Britain, EU, IMF dan konco-konco Amerika seperti biasa akan bantah kerajaan Malaysia pimpinan Abdullah Badawi kerana ia akan dianggap komplot jahat politik Kerajaan dan tindakan menangkap Anwar telah melanggar hak asasi dan demokrasinya.
Itulah yang Anwar mahukan. Beliau hendak menunjukkan kepada dunia bahawa betapa zalimnya Kerajaan Malaysia terhadap beliau. Beliau akan menuduh Kerajaan Malaysia menggunakan tuduhan liwat ke atasnya semata-mata untuk menghalangnya daripada bertanding dan betullah dakwaannya selama ini bahwa semua ini merupakan satu konspirasi jahat Kerajaan Malaysia terhadap beliau.
Maka, akan hilanglah kes liwatnya yang memang inilah yang Anwar mahukan. Terlepaslah beliau dari tuduhan itu kerana ia merupakan satu konspirasi!
Dipetik berita-berita ini: Dan peta P44 Permatang Pauh
Wan Azizah Kosongkan Kerusi Permatang Pauh Untuk Beri Laluan Kepada Anwar
KUALA LUMPUR, 31 Julai (Bernama) -- Presiden Parti Keadilan Rakyat Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail meletak jawatan sebagai Anggota Parlimen Permatang Pauh berkuatkuasa serta-merta bagi memberi laluan kepada suaminya Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim untuk bertanding pada pilihan raya kecil nanti.
Wan Azizah, 55, berkata beliau telah menyerahkan surat peletakan jawatannya itu hari ini kepada Speaker Dewan Rakyat Tan Sri Pandikar Amin Mulia. 31 Julai, 2008 16:36 PM
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Siasatan Kes Liwat Anwar Ibrahim Selesai: Syed Hamid
PUTRAJAYA, 31 Julai (Bernama) -- Siasatan kes liwat melibatkan Penasihat Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim telah siap sepenuhnya dan diserahkan kepada pejabat Peguam Negara untuk tindakan lanjut, kata Menteri Dalam Negeri Datuk Seri Syed Hamid Albar.
Katanya adalah menjadi prosedur pihak polis untuk menyerahkan kertas berikut kepada pejabat Peguam Negara sebaik sahaja proses siasatan selesai dilakukan. 31 Julai, 2008 19:18 PM
Thursday, July 17, 2008
7. Is the present complainant a copycat? Hardly likely. Few would care to make public such a very shameful thing as being sodomised. In fact, the last time at least two people came to see me claiming they were sodomised by Anwar. But they were unwilling to make a report or be witnesses in court. One of them, however, did see the imam of Masjid Negara (now Member of Parliament for PAS), to seek advise on the religious angle.
8. There are certain habits which are not easy to be rid off. Habitual smokers will tell you that. So will drug addicts.
9. It is of course up to the courts to decide i.e. if this case finally reaches the court. The court may find Anwar guilty. In which case he would appeal to even higher courts and even to special courts, which can be set up for him.
10. If he could make out that Saiful is a willing partner, then as in the case of Azizan, Saiful's claims would not be regarded as proof beyond doubt. Anwar would be let off.
11. Anwar has practically refused to swear on the Quran on his claim to be innocent. But Saiful is quite willing to do so in a mosque witnessed by religious people.
.........7. Mungkinkah pihak yang membuat lapuran kali ini seorang yang
9. Sudah pasti ini tergantung kepada mahkamah untuk menentukan dan inipun jika kes ini akhirnya sampa kemahkamah. Mahkamah mungkin mendapati Anwar bersalah. Dia kemudiannya boleh merayu kepada mahkamah yang lebih tinggi malahan kemahkamah-mahkamah khas yang diadakan untuknya.
10. Jika dia berjaya membuat Saiful kelihatan sebagai pasangan yang rela seperti didalam kes Azizan, maka kenyataan Saiful tidak boleh dianggap sebagai bukti yang tidak dapat dipertikaikan. Anwar akan dibebaskan.
11. Anwar telah menolak untuk bersumpah diatas Quran untuk membuktikan dirinya tidak bersalah. Tetapi Saiful sanggup untuk melakukannya didalam masjid dan disaksikan oleh alim ulamak.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Malaysia's Anwar questioned in sodomy case
KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia (CNN) -- Police in Malaysia arrested opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim on Wednesday for questioning about a sodomy cas
Malaysia opposition leader arrested The Press Association - A lawyer says Malaysian opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim has been arrested just before he was scheduled to give a statement to police over sodomy allegations ... |
Malaysia's Anwar arrested - lawyer, Spain - By Jalil Hamid KUALA LUMPUR (Reuters) - Malaysian opposition figure AnwarIbrahim has been arrested, his lawyer said on Wednesday,setting the stage for a ... |
Malaysia's Anwar to meet police Turkish Daily News (subscription), Turkey - Malaysian opposition figure Anwar Ibrahim agreed yesterday to meet police on a sodomy complaint against him, hoping to avoid a potentially embarrassing ... |
Malaysia's Anwar arrested before interrogation over sodomy accusation The Canadian Press, Malaysia - KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia — Police arrested Malaysian opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim on Wednesday about an hour before a deadline for him to appear at police ... |
ABS CBN News | (UPDATE) Malaysia's Anwar arrested: lawyer ABS CBN News, Philippines - KUALA LUMPUR - Malaysian opposition figure Anwar Ibrahim has been arrested, his lawyer said on Wednesday, setting the stage for a political showdown that ... |
PRESS TV | Malaysian police arrest Anwar PRESS TV, Iran - A lawyer for Anwar Ibrahim, Malaysia's de facto opposition leader has said his client has been arrested by police on sexual charges. ... |

Tiada perkara baru yang didebatkan dalam soal kenaikan harga minyak antara mereka berdua malam tadi. Semua yang ditimbulkan sudah pun menjadi pengetahuan umum. Tidak ada pun jalan penyelesaian.
Anwar ambil mudah sahaja. Berikan dia kuasa menjadi Perdana Menteri dengan kerajaan barunya, tahulah apa dia hendak buat. Tetapi Anwar tidak boleh kelentong setiap rakyat setiap masa. Bukan mudah mengawal harga minyak yang dikuasai oleh pedagang asing yang mementingkan untung semata-mata. Minyak yang ada di negara kita cukup makan sahaja.

Shabery pun tidak memperincikan kenapa kerajaan telah menaikkan harga minyak padahal inilah wadah yang terbaik untuk kerajaan memberi penjelasan yang meyakinkan. Beliau sibuk mengungkit kisah silam Anwar yang semua orang tahu kaki gempak dan kelentong. Beliau jelas tidak profesional dan meyakinkan.
Hasilnya, rakyat menghabiskan masa untuk menyaksikan mereka yang mempunyai

Many people have said the debate was a good sign of the openness of the present government. They said the room for the freedom of expression has been unlocked . They said the winner is the Abdullah Badawi's government.
But they forget the real loser is the people! What 's the use of freedom of expression if it leads to nought, if the people continue to have empty stomach!!
Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Proton likely to get flak as it had sold the company for one euro in 2006
AMERICAN motorcycle giant Harley-Davidson has, according to the Associated Press, agreed to buy MV Augusta for US$109 million, in sharp contrast to the one euro it paid when it bought the Italian bike-maker from Proton Holdings in 2006.
Harley-Davidson said in a statement out of Milwaukee last Friday that it was likely to seal the deal in weeks but the news is likely to unleash a firestorm of criticism against Proton, which was savagely assailed for the 2006 sale by no less a person than former prime minister Mahathir Mohamad, who conceived Proton back in 1984.
Proton, then under the leadership of Dr Mahathir protege Tengku Mahaleel Ariff, bought a 57.75 per cent interest in MV Augusta in December 2004 for 70 million euros (S$154 million). Dr Mahathir had stepped down as premier a month earlier but had been appointed Proton adviser by his successor Abdullah Ahmad Badawi at the time.
By 2005, Proton was floundering amid intense competition from better-quality Japanese models and relations between Tengku Mahaleel and the new Proton board, all appointed by Mr Abdullah, were tense. These culminated in the chief executive's contract not being renewed. Barely a year later, the company sold MV Augusta, with its debt of 107 million euros, for one euro.
Even so, the Harley deal would appear to vindicate both men and is likely to redound upon Proton and, by extension, Mr Abdullah and his administration, which has stoutly defended Proton's new management against the criticism of Dr Mahathir.

Anwar Ibrahim patut ditangap terus. Dialah punca negara tidak habis-habis kecoh. Rakyat sudah membuat pilihan siapa mereka mahu memerintah negara dan negeri-negeri pada pilihanraya lalu. Tunggulah lima tahun lagi kalau pun ingin menjadi Perdana Menteri. Biarkan rakyat putuskan siapa yang mereka hendak pilih seterusnya.
Tidak perlulah Anwar buat banyak gempak. Rakyat ramai juga yang susah. Polis terpaksa bertindak menjaga ketenteraman awam yang tidak terlibat dan tidak mahu terlibat. Dalam sejarah demonstrasi yang beremosi mana ada demonstrasi secara aman. Cukuplah. Apa yang berlaku di negara ini kini adalah pilihan rakyat juga.
KUALA LUMPUR, 15 Julai (Bernama) -- Penasihat Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim diberi tempoh sehingga pukul 2 petang esok untuk hadir ke Ibu Pejabat Polis Kontinjen Kuala Lumpur (IPKKL) bagi memberi keterangan berhubung kes liwat yang didakwa bekas pembantunya, Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan.
Pengarah Jabatan Siasatan Jenayah Datuk Mohd Bakri Zinin memberi amaran bahawa jika arahan itu diingkari, polis akan mengambil tindakan undang-undang termasuk menahan bekas Timbalan Perdana Menteri itu.

Mohd Bakri berkata tindakan undang-undang juga akan dikenakan terhadap sesiapa yang cuba menghalang tugas polis daripada menahan Anwar nanti. "Polis akan ambil tindakan undang-undang jika beliau tidak hadir dan sesiapa yang menghalang kerja kami akan dikenakan tindakan di bawah Kanun Keseksaan," katanya pada sidang akhbar di sini hari ini.
Dipetik pandangan baru CheDet mengenai krisis kepimpinan dalam UMNO. Teori CheDet ini boleh pakai juga. Melihatkan Najib memberi kesetiaan melulu kepada Abdullah Badawi sampai tidak berani bersuara apa-apa dan bukan ketaatannya dicurahkan untuk kebaikan ahli dan parti UMNO, memang Muhyiddin boleh merampas jawatan Timbalan Presiden UMNO itu.
Muhyiddin telah menunjukkan kredibilitinya sebagai pemimpin yang berani bersuara walaupun terhadap Abdullah demi kebaikan orang Melayu dan UMNO.
Dr Mahathir Lihat Muhyiddin Boleh Kalahkan Najib Untuk Jawatan Timbalan Presiden Umno
KUALA LUMPUR, 15 Julai (Bernama) -- Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad berkata Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin mampu memenangi jawatan Timbalan Presiden Umno sekiranya beliau bertanding pada pemilihan parti Disember ini.
Bekas Perdana Menteri itu berkata sekiranya Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak berhasrat mempertahankan jawatan Timbalan Presiden Umno, beliau mungkin ditentang oleh Muhyiddin di mana keputusannya mungkin berpihak kepada Muhyiddin.
"Tanggapan umum terhadap Najib ialah beliau seorang pemimpin yang lemah dan tidak mempunyai pendirian sendiri," katanya kepada pemberita selepas merasmikan pejabat Kongres India Muslim di sini hari ini.

Dr Mahathir berkata Muhyiddin, yang sehingga kini tidak menyatakan jawatan yang ingin ditandinginya, boleh memenangi jawatan Timbalan Presiden kerana beliau lebih mudah diterima oleh anggota Umno yang menyokong Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi dan juga golongan yang tidak menyokong Abdullah.
Saturday, July 12, 2008

Dipetik PM Abdullah Badawi berkata kekalahan Barisan Nasional pada pilihanraya umum lalu membawa rahmat. Apa yang rahmat? Begitulah sikap Abdullah apabila hendak meleraikan dirinya daripada sebarang isu atau masalah.
Sebenarnya, Abdullah ini, seorang yang tinggi ilmu agamanya, menggunakan takdir sebagai alasan dalam apa perkara yang menimpanya. Dia akan bersikap ambil mudah, tidak kisah dan acuh tak acuh kerana apa yang berlaku akan dikatakannya sudah takdir.
Beliau langsung tidak mahu menerima hakikat masalah yang timbul dalam bukan sahaja BN and UMNO, malah negara adalah kerana kepimpinannya yang lemah tidak bermaya dan bervisi!
Nasib baik BN tidak kalah habis kalau tidak apa pula Abdullah akan kata. Takdir juga!
KUALA LUMPUR, 12 Julai (bernama) -- Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi menyifatkan keputusan pilihan raya umum 8 Mac lepas menyimpan pelbagai rahmat apabila berjaya mendidik Barisan Nasional (BN) untuk tabah menerima erti kegagalan dan kekecewaan dalam usaha murni berjuang untuk rakyat.
Perdana Menteri berkata keputusan yang menyaksikan kemerosotan BN itu bukanlah satu tragedi yang perlu diratapi selama-lamanya dan sebaliknya semua pihak dan parti komponen BN perlu bangkit mulai sekarang untuk memperkukuhkan perjuangan dan usaha mendekati rakyat.
"Apa yang berlaku, telahpun berlaku. Apa yang penting ialah reaksi kita selepas itu dan apa yang patut kita lakukan selepas itu.
"Kalau kita tidak sedia melihat perkara ini sebagai satu pengajaran, maka tentulah apa yang akan berlaku kepada kita ialah kesusahan yang berpanjangan... Ini adalah perasaan dan sikap saya sebagai Presiden Umno dan Pengerusi BN," katanya ketika merasmikan Perhimpunan Agung MIC ke-62 di Dewan Merdeka, Pusat Dagangan Dunia Putra di sini, Sabtu.
Dipetik seorang menteri berkata demikian. Sebenarnya sejak berkurun dulu lagi sewaktu belum ada internet dan telefon, tabiat menfitnah ni sudah wujud pun. Banyak kesultanan, empayar, dinasti, bangsa, komuniti, perhubungan, keluarga dan banyak lagi hancur musnah kerana mulut manusia yang berbisa ini!
Nampaknya alat-alat teknologi kemunikasi baru ini jadi kambing hitam kepada masalah politik dalam negara di bawah pimpinan PM Abdullah Badawi!
KOTA BAHARU, 12 Julai (Bernama) -- Budaya fitnah melalui blog dan khidmat SMS yang semakin menular kini dikhuatiri akan merosakkan tamadun bangsa dan menghancurkan negara jika tidak dikawal, kata Menteri Perpaduan, Kebudayaan, Kesenian dan Warisan Datuk Seri Mohd Shafie Apdal.
Beliau berkata kementerian memandang serius budaya itu kerana terdapat kecenderungan rakyat semakin mempercayai blog dan SMS sedemikian.
"Ini yang merisaukan kerajaan kerana budaya fitnah melalui blog dan SMS sudah ditahap yang boleh merosakkan budaya bangsa yang akhirnya boleh menghancurkan negara. Ia perlu dikawal segera," katanya kepada pemberita selepas melancarkan Program Jiranku Keluargaku di Padang Perdana di sini Sabtu.
Mohd Shafie berkata rakyat dinasihat menilai terlebih dahulu kandungan blog dan SMS yang diterima mereka sebelum membuat sebarang keputusan.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Although the UMNO presidency comes with the Prime Minister's post, Abdullah was very definitive not to mention any thing about his position as Prime Minister when he hands over the UMNO top post to Najib.
Maybe it will be automatic that the PM post will go to Najib as well but UMNO first need to get the BN component members' agreement as a mark of respect to them. Or will there be a separation of power in that UMNO President need not necessarily becomes PM?
Or is it a strategy not to make Abdullah a lame duck PM if he announces the exact date of his departure? Anyhow, many in UMNO are still not happy that Abdullah did not exit soonest. And one most important thing is that anything can happen or change in the next two years! Keep your fingers crossed!!

KUALA LUMPUR, July 10 (Bernama) -- Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi today announced that he would hand over the post of Umno president and Barisan Nasional (BN) chairman to his deputy Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak by middle of 2010.
He said the process of transferring the power had begun today and that with the decision, he would not be leading the BN in the coming general election expected to be held sometime in 2012 or 2013.
"I took the opportunity to inform the supreme council at the meeting just now that I have reached an agreement with Datuk Seri Najib that I will not be leading the BN in the 13th general election.
"And this will also mean that we have to set in motion the process of transferring the power. I informed the supreme council that the process would begin with the announcement I'm making today. "...that I plan to hand over the (Umno) president's post to Datuk Seri Najib by middle of 2010," he told a news conference after a close-door special briefing with Umno divisional leaders as well as leaders of the party's three wings -- Wanita, Youth and Puteri -- at the Dewan Merdeka, Putra World Trade Centre here today.
Tuesday, July 08, 2008

The Parliament today is no more the same as before the 12th General Elections. In the last Parliament, BN MPs could afford to play truant and doze off during parliamentary sessions. Prime Minister, Deputy Prime Ministers, Ministers and Deputy Ministers could absent themselves as they liked and let their Parliamentary Secretaries reply with half-baked answers to questions raised by the not so many opposition MPs on their behalf.
They could escape then. But now, the BN leaders and MPs are in the line of fire. They are peppered with questions - their roles as the Government are scrutinised, their policies and plans are dissected, their laws are examined, their conducts are probed, their riches are questioned, and so on.

The Parliament are no more the home of dumb MPs. They are now the clever, intellectual and shrewd ones. They put up intelligent and critical questions but sad to say, there are still those who talk and behave like monkeys in the august house
KUALA LUMPUR, July 8 (Bernama) -- The numerous questions raised by Opposition members in the Dewan Rakyat today agitated backbencher Datuk Bung Moktar Radin (BN-Kinabatangan) who asked for the rationale in allowing the questions. He was perplexed as to why the Opposition members were allowed more questions whereas the Barisan Nasional were the majority in the Dewan Rakyat.
"I want an explanation. I have been observing everyday, this is not fair. This House is not controlled by the Opposition but by the Barisan Nasional. Our numbers are more than the Opposition," said Bung Moktar.

Anwar Ibrahim seperti biasa akan memberi pelbagai alasan untuk menyelamatkan dirinya. Yang terbaru ialah apabila disuruh 'mubahalah' iaitu bersumpah dengan Al-Quran untuk membuktikan kebenaran yang beliau tidak terlibat dengan tuduhan liwat dengan pembantunya baru-baru ini, Anwar telah meletakkan pelbagai syarat.
Padahal, inilah jalan keluar yang paling mudah, cepat dan afdal untuk beliau meleraikan dirinya dengan kes liwat itu. Tidak perlu meminta kehadiran ulamak, sampai hendakkan ulamak dari luar negara, empat saksilah dan sebagainya. Anwar jelas berbolak-balik kerana beliau memang tidak mahu menjunjung Al-Quran kerana beliau amat takut terkena atau termakan sumpahan atau bala yang akan diturunkan ke atasnya oleh Tuhan jika beliau berbohong.

Pada Anwar, tepuk dada tanya selera!
Monday, July 07, 2008

Bloggers Too To Be Blamed For Rumours And Speculation, Says Abdullah
"I want to tell the blogs to stop all these as they are also responsible for what has happened. The best thing they could do is to stop," he told reporters after holding several bilateral meetings on the sidelines of the 6th D-8 Heads of Government
The prime minister was commenting on the current political situation in the country, which seemed unsettled since the last general election in March.
"Slandering has become more rampant. One no longer cares whether the accusations are true or otherwise," Abdullah told Bernama Sunday.
"Whatever the truth, the truth will come out...don't worry about it," Abdullah said.
Asked how the government intended to stop these rumours and allegations on the Internet, he said :" When the truth comes out, all these will stop, we will make sure of that.
Wednesday, July 02, 2008
As predicted, Anwar managed to attract the attention of a foreign super power, the United States which is known to be Anwar closest ally, to his sodomy case. At least this time PM Abdullah able to show his mantle by responding bravely and swiftly against this world police!

KUALA LUMPUR, July 1 (Bernama) -- Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi Tuesday asked Wisma Putra to send a protest note to Washington following the warning issued by the United States (US) to Malaysia concerning the allegation of sodomy against Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) advisor Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.

Describing the warning as interference in the affairs of the country, the Prime Minister said Malaysia had its own government, laws and enforcement and knew what needed to be done with regard to the case.
"It is a statement which tries to interfere in our country... we will certainly ensure that any investigation will be carried out properly, fairly and without cruelty to anyone.
Tuesday, July 01, 2008
He received a Lifetime Achievement Award as an acknowlegedment of his works as a Malaysia's master brand builder, said the Brand Laureate chief executive officer Dr K.K. Johan at the Brand Laureate Awards 2007/2008 Gala Dinner here tonight.
He said Dr Mahathir, during his tenure as Prime Minister, has positioned
Brand Laureate Award is to honour brand icons and statesmen in
Monday, June 30, 2008
One interesting outcome from this latest 'bontot' event is the cleverness of Anwar in diverting the criminal case against him. Anwar is known for his dramatisation of events, if he wants something or trying to get out of the

Remember the Baling case during his student days? Or the last trial - remember his arsenic poisoning? Remember his complaint about his back pain? Remember his dog collar always stuck on his neck when he went to courts? Remember he moved about on wheel chair? Now no back pain or neck pain. So fast cured!
Now the truth has come out, he went to the Turkish Embassy uninvited said the Turkish Ambassador. He just deposited himself there to get international attention. He got many friends outside Malaysia, who will believe him and will raise their concerns. That's what Anwar wants.

By the way, who wants to kill him? if that is the case, he has been assassinated a long time ago! Even before the opposition could win many state governments in the last elections. Anwar is best described as the best Hindustani or Bollywood actor. Pity his wife Azizah, she has to defend Anwar because he is her husband although she knows Anwar inside out.
Sunday, June 29, 2008

Apa yang menarik, Anwar terus mendakwa ia satu 'fabrication' (satu tuduhan yang dibuat-buat) oleh pihak yang ingin menjatuhkannya ketika beliau sedang hendak naik semula di dalam arena politik Malaysia khususnya idamannya hendak menjadi Perdana Menteri.
Dalam kes liwat pertama dulu yang dakwaannya dibuat oleh pemandunya sendiri, bolehlah beliau dengan mudah menuduh Perdana Menteri masa itu iaitu Dr. Mahathir Mohamad yang merancangnya. Kali ini Anwar hendak tuding jarinya pada siapa pula?
Hendak menuduh Dr. Mahathir sudah tidak boleh lagi kerana bekas perdana menteri itu sudah bersara dan tumpuannya sekarang hendak menurunkan Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi. Dr. Mahathir mungkin lega kerana tindakannya memecat Anwar kerana alasan liwat dulu menunjukkan ianya ada asas dan kebenaran.
Penyokong Anwar yang masih percaya beliau menjadi mangsa politik sudah membuat pelbagai tohmahan yang tuduhan liwat kali ini merupakan satu konspirasi politik dan dipalitkan Timbalan Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak jika dilihat pada beberapa laman blog tertentu.
Kalau betullah hendak percaya pada teori konspirasi, elok lagi teori ini kerana ia lebih meyakinkan iaitu "Anwar sengaja dituduh liwat kerana hendak menghancurkan agendanya merampas Kerajaan pada 16 September ini apabila lebih 30 ahli parlimen Barisan Nasional dijadual terjun masuk ke kem pembangkang. Dengan beliau didakwa liwat nanti, pembangkang tidak lagi mempunyai pemimpin dan mereka yang hendak terjun akan berfikir dua kali samada hendak terjun atau tidak kerana orang yang membuat janji dengan mereka sudah tiada". Maka selamatlah Kerajaan BN dan Perdana Menteri Abdullah Badawi daripada ditumbangkan!
Tetapi apa yang nyata, yang menuduh Anwar ialah orang dalamnya atau inggerisnya 'inner circle', tidak kiralah tukang bancuh kopi, yang boleh bebas keluar masuk rumahnya dan berinteraksi dengan beliau.Sebagai orang politik, apa lagi yang Anwar ada untuk dijadikan alasan bagi menepis tuduhan liwat itu selain menuduh kesnya itu sebagai satu konspirasi politik.

Kali ini beliau tidak boleh lari daripada tuduhan itu kerana kali ini tiada lagi kambing hitam!
Good Luck Saudara Anwar!!!
Friday, June 27, 2008
Dipetik berita Timbalan Presiden UMNO Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak belum dapat memberi kata putus samada hendak bertanding jawatan Presiden UMNO pada Disember ini atau tidak. Kalau beliau tidak gentar, apa yang beliau tunggu kini tidaklah dipastikan apa?

Lain kali jawablah dengan berlapik tetapi tegas seperti "kalau orang calonkan saya untuk jawatan itu, saya tidak akan menolak"!
Kalau lambat hendak beritahu, bimbang nanti, "yang dikendong keciciran yang dikejar tak dapat"!
Timbalan Perdana Menteri itu berkata belum tiba masa untuk beliau mengumumkan mengenai perkara itu.
"Saya akan buat ketetapan apabila sampai masanya, ada masa lagi," katanya selepas mesyuarat Dewan Tertinggi Barisan Nasional (BN) Khamis malam.
Mengikut peraturan Umno, calon jawatan Presiden perlu mendapat pencalonan sekurang-kurangnya 30 peratus daripada keseluruhan bahagian Umno di seluruh negara.
Thursday, June 26, 2008

Since when do the BN Federal Government needs to consult opposition-held Penang state government regarding projects with money coming out from its coffer? Too bad the Penang people who voted the present state government have to miss this modern transportation which could alleviate their traveling plights in the island city with its arrogant taxi drivers and hoodlum bus drivers.
I believe the money would go to the Malaysia heartlands - Seberang Perai (Penang), Kedah, Perak, Selangor, Sabah and Sarawak-as the government wants to woo and retain the Malay and Bumiputera voters for the 13th General Elections.
PENANG, June 26 (Bernama) -- The Penang state government is disappointed with the decision by the federal government to put on hold the RM2 billion Penang Monorail and RM1.5 billion Penang Outer Ring Road (PORR) projects which were scheduled to take off during the Ninth Malaysia Plan.
Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng said the
The Economic Planning Unit of the Prime Minister's Department (EPU), in the Mid-Term Review of the 9MP (2006-2008) said the government will spend RM160 billion on people-centred projects that will bring tangible benefits and improve the quality of life of the people for the remaining period of the Ninth Malaysia Plan from 2008 to 2010.
Projects that are not people-centred under the original Plan will be put on hold or deferred to the 10th Malaysia Plan. These include the RM2 billion Penang Monorail and RM1.5